Discount Coupons

Free Las Vegas Discount
Coupons and Funbooks

What’s the next best thing to free money? Free Las Vegas discount coupons and “funbooks”! Coupons, funbooks and other promotional offers for free or half priced drinks and meals, discounted show tickets and match-play gambling vouchers are designed to attract tourists. They are freely available; used effectively, free Las Vegas discount coupons can significantly stretch your budget on your next Las Vegas vacation.

So, how and where do you get all those discount and freebie certificates? If you want to start collecting before you leave home, try these web sites where they have coupons that you can print out yourself:

It’s also possible to print coupons directly from the web sites of casino hotels.

Here’s something I tried that paid off nicely. I sent a letter, addressed to the Marketing Manager of nearly every casino hotel in Las Vegas, saying something like:

Dear Marketing Manager,

My husband and I are planning our first ever visit to Las Vegas towards the end of next month. The travel section of our local newspaper suggests contacting casino-hotels we consider staying at to inquire about special promotional incentives. I would sincerely appreciate receiving information about your hotel/casino, along with any discount offers, coupons or funbooks.
Thank you very much.

Yours truly….

More than half of my letters were answered and most of the replies included special offers, ranging from reduced room rates to free show tickets and coupons for free or two-for-the-price-of-one buffet meals and drinks.

If you want to copy this idea, click here for an alphabetical address directory of almost all Las Vegas casino hotels.

Once you’ve arrived in Las Vegas, look for “What’s On”, a free publication that is found in most hotel rooms or at hotel check-in counters. You can cut out all kinds of free Las Vegas discount coupons, plus the magazine has listings of all the shows, restaurants, tours and just about everything else that might be of interest to you.

Don’t forget to ask about funbooks at the front desk of the hotel you’re staying at. Some have coupon booklets available to their guests only. For example, the Tropicana’s funbook for guests currently contains a $15 for $10 match play gambling voucher, $4 off a Steak and Crab dinner, $3 off a Hamburger Meal, fee drinks in any Tropicana lounge, $10 off Folies Bergere show tickets and a $10 off Gift Shop coupon.

Over 170,000 copies of the “Vegas Values Coupon Booklet” are being distributed monthly on the Strip and in over 600 taxis. It’s worth looking for.

Now that you have your collection of free Las Vegas discount coupons, how do you use them most efficiently? “What’s On” and other free magazines have maps, showing where the casino hotels are located. Sort your coupons accordingly and start at some point of the Strip; work your way north or south. You won’t be able to cover all the Strip resorts in one day.

Doing a free Las Vegas discount coupon tour not only saves you money, you also get to see more of the attractions. As you go from one casino hotel to the next, cashing in your vouchers, you can’t help being exposed to things you might otherwise have missed.
Printable Las Vegas Coupons! – Printable Las Vegas Coupons is your number one source for value coupons for Las Vegas! Dining, Shows, Shopping, Hotels, Vacation Homes, Travel… It’s all right here for you to use in planning your next visit to Las Vegas!

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